Monday, February 7, 2011

Music for the Soul

For this month's One Drop activity, Musician Matthew Dennis has been invited to perform some of his original songs for us.  The words of his music are taken directly from the scriptures and make the familiar verses and stories come to life.  He will talk with us and share experiences, while he takes us on a musical journey through the scriptures.  

We are so excited that he will share his talents with us. 

If you have been struggling to open your scriptures lately, or have been looking for a spiritual boost, take this opportunity to come and listen.  You will discover that the words of the scriptures will come alive and the Spirit will speak to your soul.  It should be a night for all of us to relax and enjoy.  

We will begin at 6:30 P.M. in the PRIMARY Room.
Follow your nose...If you smell fresh baked cinnamon rolls, you will know you are in the right place!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

We like to Move it, Move it!

Thank you Thank you for coming to our first One Drop at a Time activity.  We were so excited to have so many fun sisters come.

We had a great discussion about why our population is "sick" and what we can do to make ourselves better. Wouldn't it be great to have an entire lecture series on how we can get more nutrition into our diets?  To start with, we learned that if we can increase our intake of Omega-3 Fats and decrease our Omega-6's then we can reduce inflammation.  What good does that do?  Well, inflammation is one of the leading causes of sickness in our body.  It takes part in causing: headaches, heart disease, arthritis, infection...just to name a few.  Get yourself a little bottle of Omega-3 supplements on your next visit to the health foods store.  While your at it, add a little bit of Vitamin D to your diet as well.  When that Summer Sun is on vacation it does our body good to supplement with some Vitamin D.  It fights the Flu.  Step aside Mr. Vitamin have been replaced!

ZUMBA was a hit.  It was so fun to see everyone having fun and getting some exercise too.  Isn't is great to know that burning calories can happen just by moving your body to the beat?  We were very impressed at how many of you were bold enough to try something new.  We have a great ward!

As promised, the smoothie recipes are listed here.  Click on the image and it will open a new screen that you can print.  Enjoy!

(On a sad note, we didn't get ANY pictures of the event.  Next time we will be prepared with the camera.  Watch out!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Staying Healthy Naturally -- January

Join us Tuesday January 18th at 6:30 PM, for a lesson with Dr. Lundell.  He will teach us how to stay healthy naturally.  You will be surprised at how making simple changes can drastically improve your overall heath.  We will learn some simple tricks to fighting off sickness during this time of year.  It will be casual, fun, and informative.

Afterwords, we will get moving with a taste of Zumba.  Zumba is a Latin dance style of exercise.  We’ve invited a Zumba instructor to introduce us to this fun exercise.  We will dance, laugh, and learn together.  We will also burn off a few calories in the process! It should be a hoot.  (Dress appropriately.)  If you don't want to participate in the exercise, feel free to sneak out after the speaker or stay and watch! 

We will have some tasty and healthy snacks afterward. 

When we take care of ourselves, we can be prepared to take care of those around us.